Friday, October 10, 2008

home sweet home

diz is my home... i miss my home... hmm... b4 i went back to uum 2days before, i took a lot of pictures of my house... n on diz left was the side of my house... n dat lil' boy was my nephew, named Adam... act, he just awake from sleep... wif his Tabika uniform in green... haha!!! hust look into his face, u know dat was the face of tired.. but just because i am taking fotos, he excited!! haahaa!! :P

hmm... mebe i just drop more fotos so i can look into them when i feel down... lately, i owez feel down.. dunno y its eppen... hmmm... its ok kdg2... tp kalo dat kdg2 owez sgt eppen, not good 4 me... hmm... the rest is the pic from the other view of my house... home sweet home...

yg nie aku!!! its me!!! hmmm... the greens, my abah pokoks... haha!!!

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