Sunday, October 12, 2008

chaos of the day

fiuhww!!! i have an interview just now... act,it was an oral test... next sunday will be another test,handling a meting... hmmm... wondering how the will be...

forget to tell about this morning... i went to law class... n had a LOVE LETTER from the HEP!! haha!! xpasal je aku nie... jgn contohi kawan anda yg malas dtg klas nie tau! ini adlh sikap yg xbagus skali... haha!!!

xde pic la nak pos kali nie... coz aku xbwk pic lak.. aku post blog nie kat lab kolej...pic ade dlm laptop at my room... huhu... xpe2... nex post i will upload more fotos... hehe...

hmmm... bout the guy i love, dunno wat eppen wif him aite now, still confuse... let him... i dun care bout dat dah... hmmm... if he was my faith, it will be one day... if he is not, how can i blame God? there must be reason y God ketit be like dat... there's sometime we should let the flow goes by n just be into it... n mebe diz is for me to do the same... but i just dont get it...why? hmmm... we r the best creation...

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