Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my 1st post!!!

eylooo all...
this is my 1st post!!! wakaka!!!
y i create diz site? dunno laa... mebe it best kot.. tatahaha!!! lantak r... erm, diz is my pic... just nak interprem... hehe... :P
well,dun ave many fwen lg at here... nnt2 lew i add my fwens... kinda bz sket lately... haha... nwei, today i'll be back to the NORTH!!! help!!! the disaster will begin!!!

hmmm.... now is better... dunno y, mebe coz i just turn all the things to the right position... putting d rocks into its rounds again... let the fish swims in the seas... let the birds fly free to d sky... n lets my sleep in normal again!! haha!!! :P

hmm... how would i handle diz blog huh? wat should i put inside here? bout me? hmm.. bout u? bout sumone? hmm... later... now,i nak siap2 utk blk k... away for moment... till i logging again...

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